Something new is alive in me and I can’t wait to share myself.
Since I say I can’t wait, I’ll give you a few highlights. I have embellished my mindfulness toolbox after recently attending a 10-day training in California.
Perception Language, is a mindful way to use language. It is an actual practice that wakes us up to speaking consciously. It is also a practice in recentering ourselves by speaking in present tense.
With Perception Language we learn to speak about what is happening NOW, instead of getting lost in stories about what happened in the past, what might happen in the future, who said what, or who did what to whom.
When you change how you speak, you actually change your brain!
Yes, you change your brain. And, with other mindfulness practices that we offer, you will change your experience of your emotional body.
In our Live Conscious Retreats we teach meditation and sensory awareness, as ways to further ground yourself in the present moment. Now we are adding ways to help you embody yourself physically in the present moment—deepening your experience of mindfulness.
What does that mean? Remember a time when you felt most centered, joyful, and peaceful. Perhaps this was a moment in nature, catching a wave, or during meditation. Notice the sensations you feel when you recapture that moment. This is a body memory. Let go of any thoughts or stories about this experience and just feel the sensation of being so alive. This is how NOW feels.
Would You Like To Feel More Alive?
One tool that I’ll introduce in our Retreats is an easy to follow mindfulness map to use when you find yourself lost in thought, or blaming others, feeling guilty about the past or anxious and worried about the future.
With this map, you will learn how to navigate away from your habitual and often negative, depressive or even grandiose stories. This map offers a visual yet also internal path to getting back to what is really going on now, a path to recenter and calm yourself.
Richard Moss MD, author of “Healing Inside Out” figured out a way to help us let go of our stories, and orient toward the present moment. He has created a mindfulness map to follow that he calls the Mandala of Being.
A Map To Finding NOW!
Moss helps us to understand that everything outside of the present moment is just a thought, just a story that we have created about ourselves, someone else, or about the future or past. These stories are often rife with guilt and regret or plagued with anxiety.
The mindfulness map helps us to get out of our unsettling emotions and into our pure sensations. Emotions are driven by our thoughts but sensations are a present moment experience.
Combining this map with consciously changing the way we speak with Perception Language, will radically change our relationships and our experience of being in the world. We free ourselves to really connect with people we love, in mature, present moment, responsive ways rather than reactive ways.
If you want to learn more about this and Perception Language, I hope to see you at a retreat, write to me I can share with you a brief synopsis of the process that I created for myself. Here’s my personal email address:
Wake Up To A New Paradigm!
After a few days in a Live Conscious Retreat, you will find yourself in a new paradigm. We cannot tell you what this feels like; you have to be in the paradigm—to get the paradigm.
I am aware that being awake and present plays a vital role in helping people shift into this paradigm. I look forward to sharing this map and more tools for being present and more vibrantly alive.
Moss’s book
how much does it cost?
And can I get this book in Slovenia too?
We do not sell it. You can get it on
It varies in price. But get the one called “Inside Out Healing”. It is great.