Do you want to change some of your behaviors?
In part 1 of this article I asked if you want to break past the obstacles that are in your way. I suggested that to move past old obstacles it helps to ask yourself three key questions. The reason these key questions are so powerful is because—if you answer them honestly—you will see something about yourself that you haven’t wanted to see. Until you face unseen and unaccepted parts of yourself, certain things are unlikely to change.
Key question #2
What should you be doing in your life—without any debate—that you’re not doing?
What are the top three things you want to be doing in your life, you know you should be, you’re capable of doing them—but you don’t do them? Make a list.
Now, circle the one that is most important to you.
What would happen if you actually did what it is you say you want to do?
What would happen as a result of doing this?
Is it something positive?
Then why don’t you do it?
Or, is there something you would lose by doing this?
What’s that? What would you be giving up?
Really think about these questions, and in the final part of this article I’ll explain why honestly answering these questions can be so empowering and and a way to free yourself.
Often, what we want in our lives requires us to change our behaviors. I’m inviting you to explore why you don’t. And I’m asking you to go beyond the simplistic answers like, “I’m lazy.” What’s beneath that? What would happen if you changed your behavior?
And for now, just notice that it doesn’t make sense for you not to do that which you say is so important to you—so there must be something else going on. You might want to reevaluate your priorities. And, when you’re ready, read Part III of this article.
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