I have a dream . . .
I have a dream of a gentle world
Spacious and soft
A world where we each know what we value
And we value our humanity and divinity alike
I have a dream of a world where our differences
Don’t divide us but define us
As unique and irreplaceable
Each person standing in fullness
Oceanic in our wholeness
I have a dream of escaping
The limited perspective of good and bad
Right and wrong
A dream where we do not deny
The duality of self and other
But celebrate the distinction of you and me
For we are each alone
And in our aloneness together
Each a light
A temporary flame
We will extinguish
In only a moment
So while we are here we seek to connect
To touch and be touched
To see and be seen
To show and to say, ‘This is me, I see you.”
I have a dream today
That no one hides
White man or black man, rich or poor
Male or female, looking or lost
Graceful or wasteful, knowing or naught
Strong or scrawny, boastful or bashful
For on this day we can all be free at last, free at last
Great God almighty, free at last
Lovely, evocative, bold and beautiful. Thank you!
Thank you. Your turn!
Jake; I touch my heart with your poem. I have you be a gifted “Poet.”