DRM Online Course
Rated 4.96 out of 5 based on 27 customer ratings
(27 customer reviews)
This course includes
3-hours of video
A companion workbook
Personalized email support
30-day money back guarantee
SKU: DRMonline
Category: Uncategorized
s. katharine rivers (verified owner) –
If you have ordered this course or are thinking about ordering it, you are in for an amazing experience. I bought this course because my past relationships were always troublesome. I am currently single, but after attending a Reology retreat I began to explore my ability to shift myself–not just in my own life, but in who I am as a partner in relationship. I began to explore the idea that where I failed in the past was in how I connected to my former partners rather than the idea that relationships are hard and require constant and diligent work in order to be successful and meaningful.
As a result of doing this course I learned that there are simple and effective communication tools and exercises that will help me be a person I enjoy being whether I am single, dating, or in a relationship. In this course I am taught to be the partner I want to be and attract the partner I want to love and be with. In the past I searched for a partner to rescue me, take care of me, complete me–and it never worked. I approached my prospective partners with a deficit and wanted them to make me feel different, to make me feel whole.
As a result of attending a Reology retreat and doing this course on Dating, Relating and Mating I am learning how to individuate, how to communicate clearly and maturely and how to be a healthy woman who will attract a healthy and loving mate. Many of the ideas and exercises presented in this course surprised and intrigued me because the material is radically different than anything I’ve encountered before. I’ve been to couples counselling and I’ve read many books about dating and relationships-but DRM is new information.
Jake and Hannah invite me to consider that love is easy. They encourage me to do my own personal work and to consider the possibility that everything I believe about how hard it is to fall and stay in love is, for the most part, false. The issue is not that there aren’t any good partners out there, the issue is I have been approaching love relationships from a skewed perspective.
“Let love be easy” is a quote from this course, and it struck a deep chord in me. When love is love, and not dependency, it is easy. So much of life is challenging that it makes perfect sense to me that love and relationship and dating and relating should be easy and fun! Jake and Hannah teach me how to “let love be easy” and I am applying their teachings in my life with enthusiasm and confidence–and this from a woman in her late 50’s who had given up all hope of ever loving again. If it can work for me…
Helen (verified owner) –
Dating Mating Relating…JUST GET IT!
My husband and I met and married in a whirlwind courtship when we were both almost 70. It was a journey which almost destroyed us as we struggled to “make it work”, thinking love would be enough. We separated, got back together, tried hard once again to make it work. Then… I invested in Dating Mating Relating, and it became clear at last. We were just not compatible, with quite different values and interests and it never had a chance to be a good and happy fit. I could have saved myself, and my husband, six years of torment had I invested in the programme early in our relationship, but at least I now see clearly that neither of us was “wrong “. Thank you Jake and Hannah, for helping us to set each other free. Helen
Mikey –
The Ultimate Relationship Program – Dating Relating and Mating has been extremely helpful for the relationships in my life! I first went through this program with my past partner. We were on the fence about wether or not we should remain together, after going through the dating to relating sections of the course it was clear for both of us that we were not a good fit for one another. The course helped us to maturely end our relationship and act mindfully toward each other during the break up.
I then used my newly acquired prospective learned from this course to take a more conscious and mature approach to dating. After meeting a new potential partner I asked her if she would be willing to go through this course with me to see how aligned we were before we invested a lot of time/energy dating and getting attached to one another. She agreed and we found that we were very aligned in many areas of our lives and shared many values. We have used the course to set clear dating guidelines/boundaries and to better understand each others needs.
This is the most helpful relationship tool I have ever come across! I highly recommend this for anyone who is looking to find true love or who may be unsure if the partner they are with is the right partner.
Cecilia B. –
I find this course to be a one of the best tools for getting to know yourself in relationship with you and in relationship with others.
I really believe that first you have to fall in love with you so then you can open up yourself to bring someone into your life that will add richness and health to your quality of being in this life.
I used this course with myself so I could break a pattern of unfulfilling and unhealthy dating and relating….so many times I have said to myself : ”No, Not this one ..Next “ feeling that my life was too short to be with the wrong partner.
Finally, today, I am able to find myself being in a positive and nourishing relating with a partner that is also committed to his and our personal growth, believing that love can be easy and profound.
As a psychotherapist I use this material with my clients all the time and have seen many transform their way of relating to others so they can finally choose wisely a potential partner to experience the wonder of “Finding your true love”.
My advice, don’t wait, give yourself the gift of this course.
Jess Clemens –
I can highly recommend this course. Jake is a gifted teacher. He and Hanna have, simply stated, developed a brilliant body of work. Speaking from his own personal experience, his words are clear and direct. But as easy and commonsense as the course seems, it builds on itself in powerful ways.
As I worked through the Companion Guide together with my partner in life, I could see that this in itself was deepening our relationship, as we practiced the exercises and gained new perspectives on ourselves. Each time I reviewed the material, the lessons seemed more obviously true. I especially appreciate the work on inter-couple communication skills, making agreements [I love this concept!], and taking 100% emotional responsibility for ourselves.
As we gained more insight about ourselves, we had fun. Jake and Hanna teach that life and love can become easier than ever before, as we learn to communicate in more effective, mature ways. This is something that can change your life!
Rach –
A beautifully thorough compilation of guidance and advice for those seeking mutual growth with a partner or loved one.
Lars Strong –
I have been using the material in this course for several years, and I expect I always will. What I find most important to say is that the whole of the course: philosophy, workbook, practices, etc. are all pragmatic and practical. There is no new age woo woo, positive affirmation, if you just think “right”, law of attraction kind of thinking presented. I am not discounting the value of a positive outlook, however in my experience practical clear simple to implement practices and perspectives, independent of particular belief systems, are dramatically lacking in the world.
Several years ago after dating a woman for two weeks I moved on. If I had not been using the practices of the Dating, Relating, and Mating course I almost certainly would have spent a year or two of my life with the wrong woman.
In my present relationship of 2.5 years my partner and I have been using the course from the beginning. Our relating has been easier, clearer, more respectful, and intimate than either of us have ever experienced before. And we have each personally grown more than in any previous relationship, I attribute this primarily to the sense of safety we experience.
I have applied the guidance from this course to my life both single and in partnership, and expect I always will. That is to say I will never outgrow this material, I will always be able find myself more deeply.
L.C. –
I recently viewed Jake Eagle’s program in the early stages of a new relationship, after having originally viewed it with a friend when I wasn’t in a relationship of any sort. It is such fine material. The distinctions among dating, relating, and mating stages are done with such clarity. And the relating skills in the relating section are invaluable, with each partner taking responsibility for their own experience. I’d say this program is for people of some maturity who are not lost in, or addicted to, drama. The sense that “love is easy” is a profound approach and of course has its naive counterpart! Jake and Hannah’s “Love is easy” approach actually cuts a beautiful middle way between the naive approach and its opposite, the sense that “love and relationship are hard work.” Thank you for this offering!
Inessa Milberg –
Very well thought-out clear program. Unique contribution is the summary of relationship stages and corresponding expectations. Presentation is clear, easy to use and apply. Good exercises, clear instructions. A good introduction to the work they do. Good compilation of available research. Recommend.
Diana Kollar –
If only this material could have been taught to us in high school, many of us wouldn’t have gone through so much turmoil in our relationships as adults. This course gives you a clear and structured way to look at relationships and helps you to clarify if you are proceeding into a healthy, fulfilling one. Lots of great exercises that provoke self reflection and promotes objectivity (which is usually difficult to achieve when looking at your own relationship). I’m a therapist myself and I refer this course to many of the couples and single clients that I see. Actually I can’t say enough about it!
Lizzie –
Before ending a 17-year relationship with my partner, I needed to be sure it was the right decision. The Ultimate Relationship Program was exactly what I was seeking. Jake & Hannah Eagle’s DVD course will take you through all three stages of a romantic relationship: dating, relating, and mating. Although we are already at the mating stage, working through the entire course was beneficial. In the workbook that accompanies the three DVD’s there are exercises to practice. The tools provided helped me understand what I really want out of my relationship. Together we are able to communicate in a mature way so our relationship feels more honest. I highly recommend this program for anyone! We would love to explore one of the Eagle’s weeklong retreats next.
Lettering4U –
Don’t be fooled by the plain packaging. Some real substance here. I highly recommend it.
Lori Katzin Plumb –
I have been reading the workbook in preparation of viewing the DVD with my husband. I am finding this course to be an amazingly comprehensive and in-depth vehicle for self-growth already. It’s like having a relationship coach/therapist. It creates the space and the structure in which to address the dance of relationship. I especially like the style and values assessment, owning of our experience with the use of ReSpeak and Making Agreements. Removal of Praise and Blame is an important segment, as well..it’s amazing. This can take us to a more conscious and loving relationship, with ourselves and one another. I highly recommend this course whether you are dating married or single. Everyone can benefit greatly.
Dr. B. –
This course is well worth the money, the time, and the energy required. Having a PhD in psychology and another doctorate in Spiritual Direction, I might be hard to impress. Nevertheless, even though I don’t know Jake and Hannah, I have heard from a mutual friend that they have a good marriage themselves and that says a LOT! This program came highly recommended to me from a trusted friend who is a pastor in Santa Fe. THIS IS GOOD STUFF. The production of this video is simple — no hype and LOTS of vital content. I was disappointed at first that is was not more entertaining, exciting, and high energy with current, high tech video presentations. However, my girlfriend pointed out that the simple presentation was good because it kept us fully focused on the content and the issues at hand. I really appreciate the philosophy presented here. Maybe for the first time in your life, they offer you some rational advice of what to do in whatever stage of relationship you are in. Jake is gracious, kind, and caring; but, he is brutally honest.
If you want to dig deep, work hard, understand yourself, your partner, and your relationship better, this is an excellent … EXCELLENT resource! It takes time and energy. It is work. But, it is well done, it is based on years of successful experience, and it works. I highly recommend it. If you want short term entertainment, rest, and warm fuzzy feelings, rent a movie instead. Thanks for reading!
MK –
This is an educated, well articulated relationship program. There are three discs and a workbook designed to systematically guide you alone or with a partner along the way. The descriptions of stages, values and other analyzing structures provide definitive ways of deciding and knowing who each person is and what kind of person each person is looking for. Styles, chemistry and dreams are also discussed thoroughly. The guidance through this course can successfully prepare you for dating in a new relationship or for improving the one you’re already in by teaching you more about yourself and showing you where you need to communicate better to have the relationship you are looking for. I’ve been pleasantly surprised and encouraged to move forward through this rewarding and challenging part of life…. to have a “The Ultimate Relationship” program of “Reology” guiding me along the way.
Wendy Feldman –
I found this course to be extremely valuable. Firstly, it is not overwhelming… There are 3 DVD’s, about 1 hour each. I found it to be easy to understand and digest and I found it to be filled with “gems.” I wish I had learned this many years ago. I am not currently in a relationship and so how I’ve been using it is two-fold. I am learning things to look for and to watch out for with a potential partner. Jake and Hannah help to clarify what’s important aside from the initial attraction of chemistry in the Dating part of a relationship. I am also very excited about the “Resourcing Your Feelings” section. I am using it right now to re-source my feelings around family issues especially with my father. I am experiencing, from their technique, on a primal level how I took on beliefs at a very young age from the actions and thoughts of others toward me who were in an “authority” position (like my father)… and I am learning from this technique how to separate their projections from my interpretation and formulation into beliefs about myself… I am taking the “blame” off of them and am taking responsibility for what I did with all of it and how to change that – just by noticing at first. Extremely empowering. I would highly recommend this course.
AC –
This is by far the most practical advice on finding and maintaining a healthy relationship. The DVD’s are easy to watch and learn from, and the information is so useful, no matter what stage of a relationship you are in – even if you are currently not dating. I really wish I had watched this series before wasting as much time as I did on dating people that were not compatible, and trying to figure out how to make a mismatched relationship work. After watching these DVD’s I now know more about myself and what kind of partner would be best for me. It’s like having a road map to finding love.
Fndtn357 –
I have studied a plethora of “relationship” books and courses and primers to date, but this course stands out as promising, easy to understand, and is already providing me with an accurate picture of myself. The book helps me to define who I am, what I am looking for, and provides new skills I can bring into a relationship.
Dating-Mating-Relating describes the three stages of relationships (boy did I have those backwards) and the different aspects that each stage brings and how to engage honestly and safely with your partner. The course is advertised as “how to make relating easy” and I am learning even more about myself as I am doing the exercises.
This course makes me much more aware of where I have jumped ahead of Dating and started Relating and the proverbial “jumping into bed too quickly” before even completing the Dating stage. I was surprised by the concept of Intolerance. I actually feel liberated because that “concept” could have saved years of heartache for myself and my partners.
I recommend this course for anyone that seriously is ready to develop a great relationship with a partner for the long-term. The exercises are easy and insightful. The concepts and stages are manageable and thoroughly described. The outcomes are promising for improving and growing healthy relating at every stage of a relationship.
Michael Amster –
I ordered this course after a painful break up. Before dating again, I wanted to find a comprehensive program that would help me get back into the dating world. A friend of mine that successfully used this course recommended it to me. I have found it to be incredibly helpful and it has given me tremendous insight into myself. I haven’t yet entered the relationship of my dreams, but I have become clear what that partner looks like and I am intolerant of dating unhealthy women. I have am more clear than ever what I’m looking for and I’m able to quickly filter through the women I meet. I am also enjoying the dating process more than ever before. I used to dread dating, but now I look forward to dating. I have completed a few other dating programs and read many books, and I think this is by far the best one out there! The method is simple, well written, clear and concise. I highly recommend this to anyone looking to positively revolutionize his or her dating life.
Judy Roberts & Jeff Smith –
This course is extremely useful for anyone is any stage of a relationship. We also gave this course to a friend who is not currently dating, and she has said she has used what she learned in other areas of her life. My partner of 7 years and I took this course together. We cannot recommend Dating – Relating – Mating enough. It asks questions that we had never thought of asking before, and our answers gave us a new and different perspective on how we view our relationship and how we might want to make changes. Jake presents the course clearly, and it is easy to follow. The tools offered we found to be creative, very concrete, and very well explained with personal examples. We learned a lot about ourselves and each other. If you want to make for yourself a more clear, simple life and be in a healthy, easy, loving relationship we highly recommend, and indeed encourage, this course.
Lacey Clark –
This dating course has done terrific things for my dating life. I’ve gone through the material multiple times and once with a partner (it became clear very quickly that we weren’t right for each other). I’ve read books on dating in the past, but this course was impactful and thought provoking in a way that enables me to determine compatibility quickly when dating new people. I highly recommend Dating and Relating if you’re interested in learning more about yourself, how you relate with a potential partner and what you really seek in relationship.
Sabine Pool –
Knowing these two gifted & charming teachers, and having also used their “Dating, Relating and Mating” guidelines, I can say, I got to know myself a lot better.
I have searched the market for long to learn about myself, my kinks, my behaviours, and so live a better life……. I already had a lot of tools in my toolbox when I was introduced to REOLOGY in the US/NM some years ago.
Honestly, I love these teachings, and I am understanding myself better now. And so I could let loose more and more of over-control, interpretations, judgements, etc with my following partner.
Today, I live in a harmonious couple in Austria, and translate + practise the key elements to my beloved as we walk the path of getting to know each other every day.
LANGUAGE is the key for me! We all use language so freely, so fast – and often furious ……. Here, in this course, you will find simple, new and very efficient strategies to avoid blaming, controlling, victimising and other human traps. Easy, and fun, to practise in daily life.
I am also experiencing the REOLOGY concept as a mix between Buddha and Freud ….. what a tasty treat !
For me, it is all about clarifying who you are, being authentic, honest AND kind, expressing yourself in a new way, maturing and growing into a better, healthier person / partner. You are finally becoming more of a partner that you yourself, want to be with !
I certainly do.
I am not hesitating a second to recommend this relationship program! Why wait ? Life is … NOW …..
Janie Chodosh –
As a divorced and remarried person, this course was extremely helpful in allowing me to evaluate and then build a healthy relationship. The lessons are practical and helped me gain new perspectives on myself and on my partner. I especially appreciate the concept of making agreements with your partner. I had not thought about this concept so clearly before the course, and now it is a concept fully built into our rmarriage. I recommend this course to people in any stage from dating to long term commitment and marriage.
Dirk –
If you want to deepen your relationship and enjoy it more on a loving and connecting way – this program will support you and your partner getting there. It will help you to get more insights about yourself and the relation to your partner. That’s a good start for a longtime relationship that makes free. Even – as we are – your from a different country and do the program. Good luck? No – good work for a healthier realtionship.
Joyce Lathrop –
This course is really excellent; really well done, right on message and very helpful. I would give anything had I viewed this in the early part of my dating. One thing I particularly like about the program is how incredibly practical it is. It is just so straight forward. It is not intellectual mind stuff but real honest practical ideas that any person can understand and follow. It is spoken in a way that people like me, just living an ordinary life, but a life where many relationship mistakes have been made, can understand and put to use.
Aleza Stirling –
I met Jake and Hannah in my late 20’s and held the idea that relationship was the place where I could “work it all out,” that it was supposed to be hard-otherwise how would I grow? Jake challenged me by offering that my primary relationship should be my safe haven and not the storm, that growth is more likely when I am relaxed than when when I am constantly challenged, and that I will get whatever I settle for-and he walked his talk. I have been able over the course of the last 10 years to witness Jake and Hannah’s relationship and can see that they have figured something out. Spoiler alert!: The first time Jake suggested that I be intolerant in my dating adventures I confused myself. I thought a good human being was supposed to practice tolerance. But when he explained his logic and I had the chance to practice intolerance in the dating context I can safely say I dodged some relationship bullets and saved myself a lot of time and energy. Phew!
This course is a distillation of what I have witnessed and learned from Jake and Hannah over these years. Even though I was familiar with the parts and pieces before watching this course I amazed myself with how simple and clear the material is. I have watched it multiple times as it is the kind of material that resonates with my inner knowing and yet I cannot hear it too many times. As Jake presents the content it seems so obvious-now that he pointed it out. These are his gifts as a teacher: clarity, simplicity, structure. Anyone who desires to have a nourishing relationship, whether you just met or you have been together for 20 years, will likely benefit from this program.
Noel Blanchet –
This course was a great one for me and came at the right time in my life. I attended a Reology retreat because I was feeling quite lost after my break up of a 5-year relationship and another big life changing family situation at the same time. The retreat was a great introduction to what Reology is all about and helped me take needed steps to reclaim my life. This course, specifically, allowed me to evaluate this important relationship in my life that had just ended and helped me define what I want in my future relationships. It was a great tool to help me analyze the relationship to really reconcile my feelings about it and allow myself to grieve it and move on. I revisited the course some time later and I got new insights from it once I was more removed from the end of the relationship. I know I will revisit the course every 6 months or a year because each time I go through it, I identify with a new part of it and get more out of it than the last time.
I know relationships are hard work and all I can do is invest in the right tools to help me along the way and this tool is definitely one to invest in. I recommend it without second thought and hope you get out of it what I was able to myself.