Author Archive | Jake Eagle

Albert Einstein (1879-1955) on 5 Pounds 1968 Banknote from Israel. German born theoretical physicist regarded as the father of modern physics.

Smart People Find The Answer to Anxiety

Smart people, not smart people—doesn’t matter—the first question we all ask is: “Am I safe or not?” We may not be conscious of this, but it’s the question that operates in the background—all the time. The oldest part of our brain—the primitive part—relies on “dualistic language” to make very basic distinctions about whatever we encounter. […]

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Why Don’t You Get What You Want?

Do you get what you want in your life? I’m not talking about material things; I’m talking about your primary relationships. Does your partner give you what you want? Are you treated the ways you want to be treated? Do you receive from your partner the things you most want from him or her? What […]

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How To Create Healthy Relationships

Do you think creating healthy relationships —romantic ones—is hard? Many people do. And you know what . . . all those people who think so have a hard time creating healthy relationships. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy. And if you expect it to be hard, when it is, you think that means you need to work […]

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How To Work With Your Attachment Styles

Do you want to know how to bring about change in your life? Start by looking at yourself and determining your “attachment styles.” There is a body of work in the field of psychology known as Attachment Theory. In this short post I’m not going to provide all the history behind this theory, I’ll just […]

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Three Keys To Emotional Health

We’ve identified three things that are necessary to recreate emotional health, which is a prerequisite to having a great life and sustainable relationships. 1. The first is psychological development. There are many psychological practices and therapies that lead to emotional health. Our preference is Live Conscious and Perception Language. But regardless of your path, the […]

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Yes, you are argumentative if you do this!

Are you or your partner argumentative? Have you had this kind of disagreement with your partner? One of you says to the other, “I don’t like it when you X.” Or, “I don’t want you to X.” “I don’t want you to flirt with other people.” “I don’t like it when you say you’ll call […]

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Political Incorrectness—the key to healthy relationships

Okay, here is our politically incorrect advice for people who want to have healthy relationships. And this applies to all romantic relationships, intimate relationships, or close friendships. If you want to have healthy relationships: Be intolerant! Being intolerant seems counter-intuitive, right? We are generally taught that healthy relationships are based on compromise, negotiation, and understanding. […]

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Why Do We Hold Back?

There are basically three reasons why we hold back . . . We judge something about ourselves as unacceptable so we don’t want others to see it. We believe another person will judge something about us as unacceptable. We withhold as a way to punish the person we’re withholding from.   Think about it, either […]

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