Are relationships difficult for you?
We have a proven method for making them easy.
Put love back in your love life.
Dating, Relating and Mating—
How to Get it Right!
100% Guaranteed To Make Your Relationship Life Better
Learn a fundamentally different way of creating and sustaining your romantic partnership
“Relationships are difficult.”
“Relationship are a lot of hard work.”
These are commonly held beliefs of people who have not discovered how long-term romance really works. And, if you are missing the fundamentals (which are not taught by most parents, teachers, or even psychologists), relationships are difficult, they do require a lot of hard work . . . and still they usually end in failure.
BUT, romantic relationships can be easy if you learn the fundamentals for each stage of relating. If you learn and follow the Dating ∞ Relating ∞ Mating method (which helps you choose the right partner), practice the appropriate skills, and are open minded about this new approach—you can create an easy, loving partnership. No more bickering, power struggles, defensiveness, or confusion about whether you’re with the right partner.
The Three Essential Phases of
Romantic Relationships that Really Work
I. Dating… Done Right
The Dating stage only lasts 2-3 months. It should be fun, easy, and uncomplicated. If it isn’t, you’re probably jumping ahead too fast or you may be with the wrong person.
During the Dating stage, you’ll learn how to:
• Make sure you and your partner have great chemistry without risking jumping into bed too quickly.
• Be intolerant of things that are unacceptable to you. Believe it or not, intolerance is the lost key to success in the dating stage.
• Not jump ahead and start Relating (working on issues). If you dive too deep, too fast with a potential romantic partner, the fun quickly disappears and you begin to “work out issues” with someone who is, in reality, a stranger. This is a set up for failure.
II. Relating: Where The Real Relationship Begins
The Relating stage usually lasts about two years before you can realistically decide to become life partners. This is the stage were you work out your differences, build a solid foundation for healthy problem solving and co-create an easy, loving partnership.
During the Relating stage, you will learn:
• How to determine if your personal styles, values and dreams are compatible. The DRM program provides a crystal clear and simple method for anyone to evaluate these critical compatibility points.
• Five specific agreements that will replace almost all of your arguments. Yes, in a healthy relationship, agreements can actually eliminate arguments. However, you must come to these agreements in the Relating stage. The Dating stage is too early and the Mating stage may be too late.
• How to effectively ask for what you want, instead of complaining about what you didn’t get.
III. Mating: Celebrate Your Love
The Mating stage is making a long-term commitment that is wired for success. This stage is all about deepening your intimacy and celebrating your love for one another.
During the Mating stage you will learn:
• How to see each other for who you really are instead of trying to fix or control one another.
• To turn toward one another instead of away from each other — even in the hardest of times.
• How to communicate while avoiding blame, personal attacks and feelings of abandonment.
• To maturely express your deepest emotions without fear of being judged.
Is it Time for You to Get Romantic Relationships Right?
Merely wanting a fulfilling relationship is never enough. If it were, everyone would have one.
Believing that you know how to create the perfect relationship, in spite of uncomfortable evidence to the contrary, is a sure ticket to frustration.
Thinking that it’s everyone else’s fault is the worst possible sign. It means that you aren’t likely to attract a healthy potential partner into your life.
You must do something different, which is only possible if you learn something new. If a deeply satisfying romantic relationship has escaped you thus far in life, you need to learn a proven method that will give you the successful and truly happy relationship that you not only desire, but deserve.
Click the button below and start your journey to a rock-solid, truly happy romantic partnership.
Preview our video course
This is a preview to our 3-hour online video course. The course will walk you through each stage of Dating ∞ Relating ∞ Mating. The purpose is to help single people learn how to find the right partner, and help couples learn the skills and practices necessary to create a great romantic partnership.
We created this course before we changed our name to Live Conscious. You will see some references to “Reology,” which was the previous name of our organization. And we used to refer to our language model as “ReSpeak,” and now we refer to it as “Perception Language.” Other than these name changes, the content of the course remains the same.