Author Archive | Jake Eagle

Individuation Process

Autonomy and Intimacy To fulfill our greatest potential requires us to differentiate so that we can experience autonomy from others and intimacy with others. One key step to accomplish this is that we must individuate. The individuation process most commonly occurs when an adult child individuates from their parents, but it also occurs between romantic […]

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Meditation and Psychotherapy

We recently had a gathering of Live Conscious graduates join us at our home for a discussion about meditation and psychotherapy and how to live without resistance, which I refer to as living with “Fierce Grace.” This expression comes from a movie about the spiritual teacher Ram Dass. It’s worth watching. We cause ourselves suffering […]

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How To Raise Healthy Kids

In the Live Conscious paradigm we don’t use praise or blame when interacting with other people. And if you want to know how to raise healthy kids, consider giving up the outdated techniques of praise and blame. Generally, people understand why we discourage the use of blame. But, they often don’t understand why we discourage […]

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A Mother’s Unconditional Love

A dear client of mine recently had to say goodbye to her mother who passed away three months after being diagnosed with cancer. My client fully participated in her mother’s dying process. Much healing occurred as the daughter accompanied her mother down the last part of the river of life’s journey, to the final waterfall, […]

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What is Great Therapy?

  Have you been or are you currently in therapy? Did you get or are you getting what you want out of therapy? What makes for great therapy? I’ll share my perspective, which I’ve come to after twenty years in private practice. To get the most out of therapy, clients need to make progress in […]

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Remember September 11. New York City Manhattan panorama view at night with office building skyscrapers skyline illuminated over Hudson River and two light beam

September 11th Anniversary

Today is the 9/11 anniversary of the attack on America. Did we change ourselves as a result of the attack? We came together for a short while, unified and compassionate—but did it last? Did we use the attack to become better? Nietsche said, “Anything that does not kill me will make me stronger.” Are we […]

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Am I Depressed?

Am I depressed? Many of us struggle with depression. I used to. But in recent years I’ve learned to hear depression as a shout from within myself saying, “pay attention to me!” Depression is not necessarily a bad thing, and it doesn’t have to be endured. If you listen and act appropriately, you can use […]

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