Live Conscious Blog

How To Die Well

How To Die Well

I’ll tell you a short story about a friend of mine who showed me how to die—and how to die well. Ken was a flawed person—like all of us. And he used his flaws to fuel his personal growth. This wasn’t natural to him. With a degree in engineering and an MBA...

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A Conversation of Love

A Conversation of Love

Life is a conversation Actually many conversations, but they all share one thing in common. Every conversation is either based in fear or love.  This is true for the conversations we have with other people, and this is true for the conversations we have with...

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Patience is not passive; on the contrary, it is active; it is concentrated strength.           — Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton   How many times a day do you check your email? I don’t even want to ask myself that question. I don’t want to know because I’m pretty...

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How To Let Go

How To Let Go

What do you need to let go of? I work with a lot of couples in my therapy practice. They come to therapy because they are discontented—and brave. That’s why I enjoy this work. These couples that come to me are motivated to make changes in the ways they relate to...

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Being Human

Being Human

Feel stuck? How do you un-stick yourself? By being human. I recently had a patient come in, a lovely, fairly successful, quite confident teacher in the field of personal growth. She was feeling stuck in her life. She could not motivate herself to do the things she...

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Healing Ourselves

Healing Ourselves

I think that most of us are chasing ghosts. The ghosts are our unfulfilled needs from childhood. Not getting the love we wanted. The validation we wanted. Not feeling valued. Not feeling safe. So, later in life we pursue ways of healing our old wounds, and many forms...

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What’s Good Enough?

What’s Good Enough?

Do People Really Do The Best They Can? Have you heard the expression, “People do the best they can”? Do you believe that? Really? You believe that a father who abused his daughter did the best he could? You believe that a wife who cheated on her husband...

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How To Love — another perspective

How To Love — another perspective

Learning To Love Better. How can we learn to love better? How do we make our intimate relationships feel like havens, be deeper and more meaningful? To a great degree, we can do this by learning to speak to each other in a different way. If we can truly begin to...

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How To Love

How To Love

It can be easy I want to share with you part of a recent therapy session I conducted. The work I did is counter-intuitive in many ways. It connects to a previous article I wrote, Love or Fear. So much of therapy is based on minimizing people’s fears, and...

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How To Liberate Yourself

How To Liberate Yourself

The ReDo. We launched our new website a week ago and we’ve been inundated with questions about the “ReDo.” So we’ll tell you a bit more about this powerful principle, behavioral tool, and way to liberate yourself. How does a ReDo work, why is a...

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How To Meditate

How To Meditate

Our way to practice is one step at a time, one breath at a time.                                                                                                 Shunryu Suzuki   For many years I attended week-long meditation retreats.  After each retreat I would...

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