Live Conscious Blog

Two Very Different Kinds of Romantic Love

Two Very Different Kinds of Romantic Love

What does it look like, feel like, sound like to have a healthy heart connection within your romantic love relationship? This question arose recently when I was working with a client. The man I was working with is very healthy, extremely bright, and very committed to...

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There is a gift in everything

There is a gift in everything

I have come to believe that there is a gift in every event, every encounter, and every difficulty. Is this true? No, but it’s an example of how I choose to make meaning and it serves me really well. Some times I have trouble seeing the gift, but if I’m willing to look...

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What’s Your Story?

What’s Your Story?

We can free ourselves from all forms of emotional suffering, even many forms of physical suffering, when we learn how to change the way we make meaning. But here’s the problem, talking to people about how they make meaning is like talking to fish about water. The fish...

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Grow Your Brain

Grow Your Brain

Would you like to grow your brain—learn how to use more of your brain? What if you could go from using 15% to 20%? Imagine the changes that would occur. The 2014 movie “Lucy,” explores this subject by dramatizing what happens when the main character gains access to...

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Remake Ourselves

Remake Ourselves

“As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world  . . . as in being able to remake ourselves.”   Gandhi Have you ever wanted to change your name—even for a day? It’s a really interesting thing to do. When people attend our retreats,...

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Life Consists of Three Kinds of Moments

Life Consists of Three Kinds of Moments

There is a different way to live—a better way—for those of us seeking to be lovers of life. What does that mean? It means to love life—your life—without resistance. When we learn to live this way we spend most of our time in the present moment of possibilities. These...

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Live Wisely, Think Deeply, Love Generously

Live Wisely, Think Deeply, Love Generously

A meaningful life guaranteed If we live wisely, think deeply, and love generously we can guarantee ourselves a wonderfully meaningful life. Why wouldn’t we do this? Is it, as Pope Francis says, that we no longer hear the wisdom of the great sages of the past because...

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Breaking Out Of Your Box

Breaking Out Of Your Box

We all live inside of self-constructed boxes. I’m not talking about boxes built out of wood, concrete and sheetrock. I’m talking about boxes that we build out of our memories, beliefs and the words we use to talk about ourselves. The primary purpose of our boxes is to...

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What Awaits You On The Other Side?

What Awaits You On The Other Side?

Imagine you are walking down a dusty road between two tall hedges and carrying a heavy load. This is the road of an ordinary life. You notice that some people get ahead of you and some fall behind.  You have struggled at times along this road to keep up, to get ahead,...

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There is a time to whine

There is a time to whine

In my office I have a sign that my clients can see from their chair. It says, “Thou Shalt Not Whine.” It’s partially meant to be a joke, but it’s also indicative of my approach to therapy. I’ll say more about that in a minute, but in this article I want to acknowledge...

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Healing Myself With My Dreams

Healing Myself With My Dreams

One of the many things I love about the practice of Live Conscious is that it invites me to embrace all of me—the practice hinges on self-acceptance—not tolerance of poor behavior, but acceptance. I begin exactly where I am—accepting my past, my present, my failures...

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The Story Of All Stories

The Story Of All Stories

Once upon a time there was a story . . . a story that helped people to change their lives. The story teller was a man made of sand. Depending on how the wind blew, he would take on different shapes. So everyday he had a different appearance. When I stopped to look at...

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