Live Conscious Blog

Happier World

Happier World

 Can You Redo Yourself? This morning while driving our grandson to school, his mother called him on his iPhone. (I don’t think 12-year-olds should have iPhones, but his father bought it for him and his parents are divorced—and well—you can imagine the rest.) At least...

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After the Honeymoon

After the Honeymoon

Maintaining a loving relationship is an exciting new category for us to explore. In our recent retreats we’ve had more young people participating and we realize the remarkable opportunity that they have by learning these skills early in life. Learning how to...

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What if you thought of the act of apologizing— not as admitting that you were wrong—but as a mature choice that you get to make to reconnect with someone you love.         Just to be clear—I do know people who are chronically apologetic—that’s not...

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How To Stop Obsessive Thoughts

How To Stop Obsessive Thoughts

Many people experience obsessive thoughts of one kind of another. Not only can we drive ourselves crazy with these thoughts, but when our negative obsessive thoughts are about another person, such thoughts are potentially harmful—and at the very least they are unkind....

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Be Intolerant

Be Intolerant

We are proposing that there are two primary things you need to do to simplify your life so that you can be happy. Last week’s article was written by Hannah, who suggested that kindness is the key. This week I want to share with you the other side of the coin—my...

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Being Kind

Being Kind

“My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.” Dali Lama   A patient recently shared with me the difficulties he was having relating with his mother. There were parts of her—certain behaviors and attitudes of hers—that he was having difficulty accepting....

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Embodied Awareness

Embodied Awareness

How Aware Are You? In our retreats we teach a way to use language, Perception Language, which helps to ground us in the present moment. Using Perception Language minimizes our tendency to become reactive or defensive. But, for those times when we do become...

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How To Free Yourself — part III

How To Free Yourself — part III

Do you want to free yourself? In part 1 of this article I asked if you want to break past the obstacles that are in your way. I suggested that to move beyond old obstacles it helps to ask yourself three key questions. The reason these key questions are so powerful is...

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How to Free Yourself — part II

How to Free Yourself — part II

Do you want to change some of your behaviors? In part 1 of this article I asked if you want to break past the obstacles that are in your way. I suggested that to move past old obstacles it helps to ask yourself three key questions. The reason these key questions are...

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How To Free Yourself — part I

How To Free Yourself — part I

Do you want to break free of old obstacles? If you are like most of the people I work with, you’re self-aware and smart. Even so, you have certain obstacles in your life that hold you back. And often, these obstacles aren’t new—it’s the same old...

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How to stop being judgmental

How to stop being judgmental

Are we born judgmental beings, or at birth are we pure and pristine—trusting and open? I often hear people talk about wanting to get back to the state they think they were born in, before they became judgmental and fearful. But did such a state exist? My belief is...

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The Need To Be Right

The Need To Be Right

“You have your way.I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist.”   ~Friedrich Nietzsche   Yesterday I drove my mother and father to the VA hospital in Albuquerque for a doctor’s appointment. I had never been to a...

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