Live Conscious Blog

How To Create Healthy Relationships

How To Create Healthy Relationships

Do you think creating healthy relationships —romantic ones—is hard? Many people do. And you know what . . . all those people who think so have a hard time creating healthy relationships. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy. And if you expect it to be hard, when it...

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How To Work With Your Attachment Styles

How To Work With Your Attachment Styles

Do you want to know how to bring about change in your life? Start by looking at yourself and determining your “attachment styles.” There is a body of work in the field of psychology known as Attachment Theory. In this short post I’m not going to...

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“The Truth” Is Just A Story

“The Truth” Is Just A Story

Do you really need to know “the truth”? What if we realized that the stories we tell ourselves are just stories? They are made up. We assign meaning to everything, and then we act as if the meaning we make up is “the truth.” If you let go of your stories...

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Three Keys To Emotional Health

Three Keys To Emotional Health

We’ve identified three things that are necessary to recreate emotional health, which is a prerequisite to having a great life and sustainable relationships. 1. The first is psychological development. There are many psychological practices and therapies that lead...

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Mindfulness Spoken Here & Now!

Mindfulness Spoken Here & Now!

Something new is alive in me and I can’t wait to share myself. Since I say I can’t wait, I’ll give you a few highlights. I have embellished my mindfulness toolbox after recently attending a 10-day training in California. Perception Language, is a mindful way to use...

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Why Do We Hold Back?

Why Do We Hold Back?

There are basically three reasons why we hold back . . . We judge something about ourselves as unacceptable so we don’t want others to see it. We believe another person will judge something about us as unacceptable. We withhold as a way to punish the person...

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How To Stop Being Defensive

How To Stop Being Defensive

There are two fundamental reasons why we get defensive. If we understand these reasons—with a little bit of effort—we can stop being defensive. Defending ourselves when we really don’t need to is one of the last vestiges of immaturity. #1—We defend ourselves...

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Good Love Making — how’s your sex life?

Good Love Making — how’s your sex life?

Do you have a healthy sex life? To answer that question you need to have a definition of “sexual health.” If your love making is great, maybe you don’t need to read any further, just go back to bed with your partner. But, if your love making and sex life aren’t...

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